It's me again, well, I've had a look too to the Java implementation
of the isByte method and I took care of your remarks to reimplement
it (thank you). So here are the results:

old method from Commons Validator :
    public static boolean isByte(String value) {
       return formatByte(value) != null;

    public static Byte formatByte(String value) {
       Byte result = null;

       try {
          result = new Byte(value);
       } catch (Exception e) {

       return result;

And the new one which do exactly what is needed, that's to
say return true or false and doesn't throw any exception:

    public static final boolean isByte( String s )
          // should never happen in JOE
          if( s == null )
              return false;

          int result = 0;
          boolean negative = false;
          int i = 0;
          int max = s.length();
          int limit;
          int multmin;
          int digit;

          if( max > 0 )
              if( s.charAt( 0 ) == '-' )
                negative = true;
                limit = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                limit = -Integer.MAX_VALUE;

              multmin = limit / 10; // radix
              if( i < max )
                digit = Character.digit( s.charAt( i++ ), 10 ); // radix
                if( digit < 0 )
                    return false;
                result = -digit;

              while( i < max )
                // Accumulating negatively avoids surprises near MAX_VALUE
                digit = Character.digit(s.charAt(i++),10); // radix
                if( digit < 0 )
                    return false;

                if( result < multmin )
                    return false;

                result *= 10; // radix

                if( result < limit + digit )
                    return false;

                result -= digit;
              return false;

          if( negative )
              if( i > 1 )
                return !(result < Byte.MIN_VALUE || result > Byte.MAX_VALUE );
                return false; /* Only got "-" */
              return !(-result < Byte.MIN_VALUE || -result > Byte.MAX_VALUE );

And the results for this test:

        System.out.println((new java.util.Date()).getTime()+"");
        for( int i = 0; i < 100000; i++ )
            isByteApache( "300" );
            isByteApache( "5" );
        System.out.println((new java.util.Date()).getTime()+"");
        for( int i = 0; i < 100000; i++ )
            isByte( "300" );
            isByte( "5" );
        System.out.println((new java.util.Date()).getTime()+"");
        if( isByteApache( "300" ) )
            throw new IllegalStateException("problem");
        if( !isByteApache( "5" ))
            throw new IllegalStateException("problem");
        if( isByte( "300" ) )
            throw new IllegalStateException("problem");
        if( !isByte( "5" ))
            throw new IllegalStateException("problem");
        if( isByte( "-300" ) )
            throw new IllegalStateException("problem");
        if( !isByte( "-5" ))
            throw new IllegalStateException("problem");

2093ms for the first loop and... 90ms for the second one => 25 times

Thank you again :-)

> ps: If you should read something about Knuth, read only his most famous
> quote. really.

Which is...? (the title please)

> With Joe, you're taking the optimization step by the wrong end IMHO

What do you mean by this? Tell me please :-)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 07/11/2002 17:19

Veuillez répondre à [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pour : ant-dev

cc :

Objet :     Re: Réf. : RE: Réf. : Re: Commons Validator

----- Original Message -----

>Well it's just about 8% faster:


Byte.parseByte(String) is faster, you avoid an allocation.
Byte.parseByte(String, 10) is even faster you avoid a method call

 int i = Integer.parseInt(s, radix);
 return  !(i < Byte.MIN_VALUE || i > MAX_VALUE)
is even more faster. you avoid a method call and and an exception

and yet I suggest to copy/paste the Integer.parseInt method and use your
by remove the exceptions to make it even more faster by removing yet
method call and exception.

>ps: don't have the time to make a patch (sorry)

I see. Time problem.

ps: If you should read something about Knuth, read only his most famous
quote. really.
With Joe, you're taking the optimization step by the wrong end IMHO

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