> -----Original Message-----
> From: Henri Yandell [mailto:bayard@;generationjava.com] 
> Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 5:04 PM
> To: Steven Caswell
> Cc: 'Henri Yandell'
> Subject: RE: installing jakarta code Was: using commons 
> components and logging
> On Fri, 8 Nov 2002, Steven Caswell wrote:
> > Confused the user how?
> >
> > I guess I don't understand how using a library like lang can cause 
> > heartburn for a project like Collections. I've never had a problem 
> > adding another jar to the classpath. Seems to me that the "user" 
> > (which, we should keep in mind, are supposedly intelligent 
> developers) 
> > should easily understand an additional dependency. As long as it is 
> > documented in a clear manner.
> Maybe that's the nub. Without really sitting down with users 
> to find out why they didn't install XXX library, it's hard to 
> tell. But I can quite happily goto the Jakarta front page, 
> click on a news item or click on Binary Releases, and 
> download the zip without realising.

That is a good point. I've had on blinders thinking more along
the lines of the initial installation of a project, but your point
About getting a later release is well taken. Unless I explicitly look
at the docs, I may miss an important dependency. And today Maven
doesn't really help this situation.

> Especially as I expect to have an INSTALL.txt or README.txt 
> [or html] which tells me what I need. We tend to put it on 
> the website, which a lot of people probably don't bother to check.
> So, maybe Maven could be generating out an INSTALL.txt as 
> part of its build or some such. Or maybe the current download 
> method of using the default Apache directory is wrong, we 
> need a lot of index.html's throughout the build/ directory.

Could get real messy.

> Or we have an xml file in the releases directory called 
> requires.xml which an Apache module reads, shows a custom 
> Apache directory-page to remind people where to go to get the 
> requirements.
> I like that idea, it's not java, but neither is Jakarta's 
> site. What do you think? [Maven can still generate this xml 
> file out as part of the build]

I think this would be a reasonable short-term solution. I'd really
Like to see things move toward a neutral (i.e.,
xml description of dependencies that could be used by Maven or whatever
Figure out what else needs to be gotten and go get it.

> Hen

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