bayard      2002/11/10 12:52:32

  Added:       dbutils/src/java/org/apache/commons/dbutils/driver
  A do-nothing driver wrapper.
  ResultSetWrapper is not compilable yet, but I want to share across machines and make 
sure I hav e a backup available.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  package org.apache.commons.dbutils.driver;
  import java.sql.Connection;
  import java.sql.CallableStatement;
  import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
  import java.sql.SQLException;
  import java.math.BigDecimal;
  import java.sql.Date;
  import java.sql.Time;
  import java.sql.Timestamp;
  import java.util.Map;
  import java.sql.Ref;
  import java.sql.Blob;
  import java.sql.Clob;
  import java.sql.Array;
  import java.util.Calendar;
  public class CallableStatementWrapper extends PreparedStatementWrapper implements 
      private CallableStatement call;
      public CallableStatementWrapper(CallableStatement call, Connection conn) {
          super(call, conn);
 = call;
      public void registerOutParameter(int n1, int n2) throws SQLException {
, n2);
      public void registerOutParameter(int n1, int n2, int n3) throws SQLException {
, n2, n3);
      public boolean wasNull() throws SQLException {
      public String getString(int n) throws SQLException {
          return getString(n);
      public boolean getBoolean(int n) throws SQLException {
          return getBoolean(n);
      public byte getByte(int n) throws SQLException {
          return getByte(n);
      public short getShort(int n) throws SQLException {
          return getShort(n);
      public int getInt(int n) throws SQLException {
          return getInt(n);
      public long getLong(int n) throws SQLException {
          return getLong(n);
      public float getFloat(int n) throws SQLException {
          return getFloat(n);
      public double getDouble(int n) throws SQLException {
          return getDouble(n);
      public BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int n1, int n2) throws SQLException {
          return getBigDecimal(n1, n2);
      public byte[] getBytes(int n) throws SQLException {
          return getBytes(n);
      public Date getDate(int n) throws SQLException {
          return getDate(n);
      public Time getTime(int n) throws SQLException {
          return getTime(n);
      public Timestamp getTimestamp(int n) throws SQLException {
          return getTimestamp(n);
      public Object getObject(int n) throws SQLException {
          return getObject(n);
      public BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int n) throws SQLException {
          return getBigDecimal(n);
      public Object getObject(int n, Map map) throws SQLException {
          return getObject(n, map);
      public Ref getRef(int n) throws SQLException {
          return getRef(n);
      public Blob getBlob(int n) throws SQLException {
          return getBlob(n);
      public Clob getClob(int n) throws SQLException {
          return getClob(n);
      public Array getArray(int n) throws SQLException {
          return getArray(n);
      public Date getDate(int n, Calendar calendar) throws SQLException {
          return getDate(n, calendar);
      public Time getTime(int n, Calendar calendar) throws SQLException {
          return getTime(n, calendar);
      public Timestamp getTimestamp(int n, Calendar calendar) throws SQLException {
          return getTimestamp(n, calendar);
      public void registerOutParameter(int n1, int n2, String string) throws 
SQLException {
, n2, string);
  package org.apache.commons.dbutils.driver;
  import java.sql.Connection;
  import java.sql.Statement;
  import java.sql.SQLException;
  import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
  import java.sql.CallableStatement;
  import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
  import java.sql.SQLWarning;
  import java.util.Map;
  public class ConnectionWrapper implements Connection 
      private Connection conn;
      public ConnectionWrapper(Connection conn) {
          this.conn = conn;
      public Statement createStatement() throws SQLException {
          return new StatementWrapper(this.conn.createStatement(), this);
      public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String string) throws SQLException {
          return new PreparedStatementWrapper(this.conn.prepareStatement(string), 
      public CallableStatement prepareCall(String string) throws SQLException {
          return new CallableStatementWrapper(this.conn.prepareCall(string), this);
      public String nativeSQL(String sql) throws SQLException {
          return this.conn.nativeSQL(sql);
      public void setAutoCommit(boolean b) throws SQLException {
      public boolean getAutoCommit() throws SQLException {
          return this.conn.getAutoCommit();
      public void commit() throws SQLException {
      public void rollback() throws SQLException {
      public void close() throws SQLException {
      public boolean isClosed() throws SQLException {
          return this.conn.isClosed();
      public DatabaseMetaData getMetaData() throws SQLException {
          return this.conn.getMetaData();
      public void setReadOnly(boolean b) throws SQLException {
      public boolean isReadOnly() throws SQLException {
          return this.conn.isReadOnly();
      public void setCatalog(String catalog) throws SQLException {
      public String getCatalog() throws SQLException {
          return this.conn.getCatalog();
      public void setTransactionIsolation(int level) throws SQLException {
      public int getTransactionIsolation() throws SQLException {
          return this.conn.getTransactionIsolation();
      public SQLWarning getWarnings() throws SQLException {
          return this.conn.getWarnings();
      public void clearWarnings() throws SQLException {
      public Statement createStatement(int n1, int n2) throws SQLException {
          return new StatementWrapper(this.conn.createStatement(n1, n2), this);
      public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String string, int n1, int n2) throws 
SQLException {
          return new PreparedStatementWrapper(this.conn.prepareStatement(string, n1, 
n2), this);
      public CallableStatement prepareCall(String string, int n1, int n2) throws 
SQLException {
          return new CallableStatementWrapper(this.conn.prepareCall(string, n1, n2), 
      public Map getTypeMap() throws SQLException {
          return this.conn.getTypeMap();
      public void setTypeMap(Map map) throws SQLException {
  package org.apache.commons.dbutils.driver;
  import java.sql.Driver;
  import java.sql.DriverManager;
  import java.sql.Connection;
  import java.util.Properties;
  import java.sql.SQLException;
  import java.sql.DriverPropertyInfo;
  import org.apache.commons.dbutils.DbUtils;
  public class DriverWrapper implements Driver 
      /// Extensions need to repeat this themselves...
      /// Or maybe have this done automatically by ensureLoaded?
      /// if it recognises a driver as extending this driver?
      static {
          try {
              DriverWrapper wrapper = new DriverWrapper();
          } catch(SQLException sqle) {
      public Connection connect(String url, Properties properties) throws SQLException 
          // db://<fully.qualified.classname>/<url of database>
          if(!acceptsURL(url)) {
              throw new SQLException("URL Not supported: "+url);
          // remove db://
          url = url.substring(5);
          int idx = url.indexOf("/");
          if(idx == -1) {
              throw new SQLException("SubDriver not supplied: "+url);
          String classname = url.substring(0, idx);
          url = url.substring(idx+1);
          Driver subDriver = DriverManager.getDriver(url);
          Connection conn = subDriver.connect(url, properties);
          ConnectionWrapper wrapper = new ConnectionWrapper(conn);
          return wrapper;
      public boolean acceptsURL(String url) throws SQLException {
          return url.startsWith("db://");
      public DriverPropertyInfo[] getPropertyInfo(String url, Properties properties) 
throws SQLException {
          // db://<fully.qualified.classname>/<url of database>
          if(!acceptsURL(url)) {
              throw new SQLException("URL Not supported: "+url);
          // remove db://
          url = url.substring(5);
          int idx = url.indexOf("/");
          if(idx == -1) {
              throw new SQLException("SubDriver not supplied: "+url);
          String classname = url.substring(0, idx);
          url = url.substring(idx+1);
          Driver subDriver = DriverManager.getDriver(url);
          return subDriver.getPropertyInfo(url, properties);
      /// None of the next three methods can work as they don't know 
      /// what driver we're really talking to. 
      public int getMajorVersion() {
          return 1;
      public int getMinorVersion() {
          return 0;
      public boolean jdbcCompliant() {
          // difficult to say if we're true or false
          return false;
  package org.apache.commons.dbutils.driver;
  import java.sql.Connection;
  import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
  import java.sql.Statement;
  import java.sql.ResultSet;
  import java.sql.SQLException;
  import java.math.BigDecimal;
  import java.sql.Date;
  import java.sql.Time;
  import java.sql.Timestamp;
  import java.sql.Ref;
  import java.sql.Blob;
  import java.sql.Clob;
  import java.sql.Array;
  import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
  import java.util.Calendar;
  public class PreparedStatementWrapper extends StatementWrapper implements 
      private PreparedStatement prep;
      public PreparedStatementWrapper(PreparedStatement prep, Connection conn) {
          super(prep, conn);
          this.prep = prep;
      public ResultSet executeQuery() throws SQLException {
          return wrap(this.prep.executeQuery());
      public int executeUpdate() throws SQLException {
          return this.prep.executeUpdate();
      public void setNull(int idx, int type) throws SQLException {
          this.prep.setNull(idx, type);
      public void setBoolean(int idx, boolean b) throws SQLException {
          this.prep.setBoolean(idx, b);
      public void setByte(int idx, byte b) throws SQLException {
          this.prep.setByte(idx, b);
      public void setShort(int idx, short s) throws SQLException {
          this.prep.setShort(idx, s);
      public void setInt(int idx, int i) throws SQLException {
          this.prep.setInt(idx, i);
      public void setLong(int idx, long l) throws SQLException {
          this.prep.setLong(idx, l);
      public void setFloat(int idx, float f) throws SQLException {
          this.prep.setFloat(idx, f);
      public void setDouble(int idx, double d) throws SQLException {
          this.prep.setDouble(idx, d);
      public void setBigDecimal(int idx, BigDecimal bigDecimal) throws SQLException {
          this.prep.setBigDecimal(idx, bigDecimal);
      public void setString(int idx, String string) throws SQLException {
          this.prep.setString(idx, string);
      public void setBytes(int idx, byte[] bytes) throws SQLException {
          this.prep.setBytes(idx, bytes);
      public void setDate(int idx, Date date) throws SQLException {
          this.prep.setDate(idx, date);
      public void setTime(int idx, Time time) throws SQLException {
          this.prep.setTime(idx, time);
      public void setTimestamp(int idx, Timestamp timestamp) throws SQLException {
          this.prep.setTimestamp(idx, timestamp);
      public void setAsciiStream(int idx, InputStream inputStream, int n) throws 
SQLException {
          this.prep.setAsciiStream(idx, inputStream, n);
      public void setUnicodeStream(int idx, InputStream inputStream, int n) throws 
SQLException {
          this.prep.setUnicodeStream(idx, inputStream, n);
      public void setBinaryStream(int idx, InputStream inputStream, int n) throws 
SQLException {
          this.prep.setBinaryStream(idx, inputStream, n);
      public void clearParameters() throws SQLException {
      public void setObject(int idx, Object object, int n1, int n2) throws 
SQLException {
          this.prep.setObject(idx, object, n1, n2);
      public void setObject(int idx, Object object, int n) throws SQLException {
          this.prep.setObject(idx, object, n);
      public void setObject(int idx, Object object) throws SQLException {
          this.prep.setObject(idx, object);
      public boolean execute() throws SQLException {
          return this.prep.execute();
      public void addBatch() throws SQLException {
      public void setCharacterStream(int idx, Reader reader, int n) throws 
SQLException {
          this.prep.setCharacterStream(idx, reader, n);
      public void setRef(int idx, Ref ref) throws SQLException {
          this.prep.setRef(idx, ref);
      public void setBlob(int idx, Blob blob) throws SQLException {
          this.prep.setBlob(idx, blob);
      public void setClob(int idx, Clob clob) throws SQLException {
          this.prep.setClob(idx, clob);
      public void setArray(int idx, Array array) throws SQLException {
          this.prep.setArray(idx, array);
      public ResultSetMetaData getMetaData() throws SQLException {
          return  this.prep.getMetaData();
      public void setDate(int idx, Date date, Calendar calendar) throws SQLException {
          this.prep.setDate(idx, date, calendar);
      public void setTime(int idx, Time time, Calendar calendar) throws SQLException {
          this.prep.setTime(idx, time, calendar);
      public void setTimestamp(int idx, Timestamp timestamp, Calendar calendar) throws 
SQLException {
          this.prep.setTimestamp(idx, timestamp, calendar);
      public void setNull(int idx, int type, String string) throws SQLException {
          this.prep.setNull(idx, type, string);
  import java.sql.ResultSet;
  import java.sql.SQLException;
  import java.math.BigDecimal;
  import java.sql.Date;
  import java.sql.Time;
  import java.sql.Timestamp;
  import getString(java.lang.String;
  import java.sql.SQLWarning;
  import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
  import getObject(java.lang.String;
  import updateBigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal;
  import updateDate(java.sql.Date;
  import updateTime(java.sql.Time;
  import updateTimestamp(java.sql.Timestamp;
  import updateAsciiStream(;
  import updateBinaryStream(;
  import updateCharacterStream(;
  import java.lang.String;
  import java.lang.Object;
  import java.sql.Statement;
  import getObject(java.util.Map;
  import java.sql.Ref;
  import java.sql.Blob;
  import java.sql.Clob;
  import java.sql.Array;
  import java.util.Map;
  import getDate(java.util.Calendar;
  import java.util.Calendar;
  import getTime(java.util.Calendar;
  import getTimestamp(java.util.Calendar;
  public class ResultSetWrapper implements ResultSet 
      public boolean next() throws SQLException {
      public void close() throws SQLException {
      public boolean wasNull() throws SQLException {
      public String getString() throws SQLException {
      public boolean getBoolean() throws SQLException {
      public byte getByte() throws SQLException {
      public short getShort() throws SQLException {
      public int getInt() throws SQLException {
      public long getLong() throws SQLException {
      public float getFloat() throws SQLException {
      public double getDouble() throws SQLException {
      public BigDecimal getBigDecimal() throws SQLException {
      public byte[] getBytes() throws SQLException {
      public Date getDate() throws SQLException {
      public Time getTime() throws SQLException {
      public Timestamp getTimestamp() throws SQLException {
      public InputStream getAsciiStream() throws SQLException {
      public InputStream getUnicodeStream() throws SQLException {
      public InputStream getBinaryStream() throws SQLException {
      public String String string) throws SQLException {
      public boolean getBoolean(String string) throws SQLException {
      public byte getByte(String string) throws SQLException {
      public short getShort(String string) throws SQLException {
      public int getInt(String string) throws SQLException {
      public long getLong(String string) throws SQLException {
      public float getFloat(String string) throws SQLException {
      public double getDouble(String string) throws SQLException {
      public BigDecimal getBigDecimal(String string) throws SQLException {
      public byte[] getBytes(String string) throws SQLException {
      public Date getDate(String string) throws SQLException {
      public Time getTime(String string) throws SQLException {
      public Timestamp getTimestamp(String string) throws SQLException {
      public InputStream getAsciiStream(String string) throws SQLException {
      public InputStream getUnicodeStream(String string) throws SQLException {
      public InputStream getBinaryStream(String string) throws SQLException {
      public SQLWarning getWarnings() throws SQLException {
      public void clearWarnings() throws SQLException {
      public String getCursorName() throws SQLException {
      public ResultSetMetaData getMetaData() throws SQLException {
      public Object getObject() throws SQLException {
      public Object String string) throws SQLException {
      public int findColumn(String string) throws SQLException {
      public Reader getCharacterStream() throws SQLException {
      public Reader getCharacterStream(String string) throws SQLException {
      public BigDecimal getBigDecimal() throws SQLException {
      public BigDecimal getBigDecimal(String string) throws SQLException {
      public boolean isBeforeFirst() throws SQLException {
      public boolean isAfterLast() throws SQLException {
      public boolean isFirst() throws SQLException {
      public boolean isLast() throws SQLException {
      public void beforeFirst() throws SQLException {
      public void afterLast() throws SQLException {
      public boolean first() throws SQLException {
      public boolean last() throws SQLException {
      public int getRow() throws SQLException {
      public boolean absolute() throws SQLException {
      public boolean relative() throws SQLException {
      public boolean previous() throws SQLException {
      public void setFetchDirection() throws SQLException {
      public int getFetchDirection() throws SQLException {
      public void setFetchSize() throws SQLException {
      public int getFetchSize() throws SQLException {
      public int getType() throws SQLException {
      public int getConcurrency() throws SQLException {
      public boolean rowUpdated() throws SQLException {
      public boolean rowInserted() throws SQLException {
      public boolean rowDeleted() throws SQLException {
      public void updateNull() throws SQLException {
      public void updateBoolean() throws SQLException {
      public void updateByte() throws SQLException {
      public void updateShort() throws SQLException {
      public void updateInt() throws SQLException {
      public void updateLong() throws SQLException {
      public void updateFloat() throws SQLException {
      public void updateDouble() throws SQLException {
      public void BigDecimal bigDecimal) throws SQLException {
      public void updateString(String string) throws SQLException {
      public void updateBytes(byte[] byte[]) throws SQLException {
      public void Date date) throws SQLException {
      public void Time time) throws SQLException {
      public void Timestamp timestamp) throws SQLException {
      public void InputStream inputStream) throws SQLException {
      public void InputStream inputStream) throws SQLException {
      public void Reader reader) throws SQLException {
      public void updateObject(Object object) throws SQLException {
      public void updateObject(Object object) throws SQLException {
      public void updateNull(String string) throws SQLException {
      public void updateBoolean(String string) throws SQLException {
      public void updateByte(String string) throws SQLException {
      public void updateShort(String string) throws SQLException {
      public void updateInt(String string) throws SQLException {
      public void updateLong(String string) throws SQLException {
      public void updateFloat(String string) throws SQLException {
      public void updateDouble(String string) throws SQLException {
      public void updateBigDecimal(String string, BigDecimal bigDecimal) throws 
SQLException {
      public void updateString(String string, String string) throws SQLException {
      public void updateBytes(String string, byte[] byte[]) throws SQLException {
      public void updateDate(String string, Date date) throws SQLException {
      public void updateTime(String string, Time time) throws SQLException {
      public void updateTimestamp(String string, Timestamp timestamp) throws 
SQLException {
      public void updateAsciiStream(String string, InputStream inputStream) throws 
SQLException {
      public void updateBinaryStream(String string, InputStream inputStream) throws 
SQLException {
      public void updateCharacterStream(String string, Reader reader) throws 
SQLException {
      public void updateObject(String string, Object object) throws SQLException {
      public void updateObject(String string, Object object) throws SQLException {
      public void insertRow() throws SQLException {
      public void updateRow() throws SQLException {
      public void deleteRow() throws SQLException {
      public void refreshRow() throws SQLException {
      public void cancelRowUpdates() throws SQLException {
      public void moveToInsertRow() throws SQLException {
      public void moveToCurrentRow() throws SQLException {
      public Statement getStatement() throws SQLException {
      public Object Map map) throws SQLException {
      public Ref getRef() throws SQLException {
      public Blob getBlob() throws SQLException {
      public Clob getClob() throws SQLException {
      public Array getArray() throws SQLException {
      public Object String string, Map map) throws SQLException {
      public Ref getRef(String string) throws SQLException {
      public Blob getBlob(String string) throws SQLException {
      public Clob getClob(String string) throws SQLException {
      public Array getArray(String string) throws SQLException {
      public Date Calendar calendar) throws SQLException {
      public Date getDate(String string, Calendar calendar) throws SQLException {
      public Time Calendar calendar) throws SQLException {
      public Time getTime(String string, Calendar calendar) throws SQLException {
      public Timestamp Calendar calendar) throws SQLException {
      public Timestamp getTimestamp(String string, Calendar calendar) throws 
SQLException {
  package org.apache.commons.dbutils.driver;
  import java.sql.Statement;
  import java.sql.ResultSet;
  import java.sql.SQLException;
  import java.sql.SQLWarning;
  import java.sql.Connection;
  public class StatementWrapper implements Statement 
      private Statement statement;
      private Connection connection;
      public StatementWrapper(Statement statement, Connection conn) {
          this.statement = statement;
          this.connection = connection;
      public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) throws SQLException {
          return wrap(this.statement.executeQuery(sql));
      public int executeUpdate(String string) throws SQLException {
          return this.statement.executeUpdate(string);
      public void close() throws SQLException {
      public int getMaxFieldSize() throws SQLException {
          return this.statement.getMaxFieldSize();
      public void setMaxFieldSize(int n) throws SQLException {
      public int getMaxRows() throws SQLException {
          return this.statement.getMaxRows();
      public void setMaxRows(int n) throws SQLException {
      public void setEscapeProcessing(boolean b) throws SQLException {
      public int getQueryTimeout() throws SQLException {
          return this.statement.getQueryTimeout();
      public void setQueryTimeout(int n) throws SQLException {
      public void cancel() throws SQLException {
      public SQLWarning getWarnings() throws SQLException {
          return this.statement.getWarnings();
      public void clearWarnings() throws SQLException {
      public void setCursorName(String string) throws SQLException {
      public boolean execute(String sql) throws SQLException {
          return this.statement.execute(sql);
      public ResultSet getResultSet() throws SQLException {
          return wrap(this.statement.getResultSet());
      public int getUpdateCount() throws SQLException {
          return this.statement.getUpdateCount();
      public boolean getMoreResults() throws SQLException {
          return this.statement.getMoreResults();
      public void setFetchDirection(int n) throws SQLException {
      public int getFetchDirection() throws SQLException {
          return this.statement.getFetchDirection();
      public void setFetchSize(int n) throws SQLException {
      public int getFetchSize() throws SQLException {
          return this.statement.getFetchSize();
      public int getResultSetConcurrency() throws SQLException {
          return this.statement.getResultSetConcurrency();
      public int getResultSetType() throws SQLException {
          return this.statement.getResultSetType();
      public void addBatch(String sql) throws SQLException {
      public void clearBatch() throws SQLException {
      public int[] executeBatch() throws SQLException {
          return this.statement.executeBatch();
      public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
          return this.connection;
      protected ResultSet wrap(ResultSet rs) {
  //        return new ResultSetWrapper(rs);
          return rs;

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