Hi Mark

From: "Mark Dimon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi ,
> The way combo's are set up in gridBagDemo does not apear  to work , a cut
> down example:
> <j:jelly xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns="jelly:swing">
>     <frame title="Combo Test" var="frame" size="400,200">
>         <panel>
>             <comboBox name="c" var="c">
>                 ${c.addItem("this is combo 1")}
>             </comboBox>
>             <comboBox name="c" var="c">
>                 ${c.addItem("this is combo 2")}
>             </comboBox>
>         </panel>
>     </frame>
>     ${frame.show()}
> </j:jelly>
> The first combo displays "this is combo2" and the second nothing !
> However , moving the assigment out of the combo tag works :
> <j:jelly xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns="jelly:swing">
>     <frame title="Combo Test" var="frame" size="400,200">
>         <panel>
>             <comboBox name="c" var="c">
>             </comboBox>
>                 ${c.addItem("this is combo 1")}
>             <comboBox name="c" var="c">
>             </comboBox>
>                 ${c.addItem("this is combo 2")}
>         </panel>
>     </frame>
>     ${frame.show()}
> </j:jelly>
> Is this a bug , or error in gridBagDemo.jelly and should we be setting
> from within the same tag that defines it ?

You're correct. Its a bug. The 'c' variable does not exist until after the
entire <comboBox> tag has executed.


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