From: "J. Matthew Pryor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,
> I know this is not the Jelly list, so please feel free to tell me to
> post elsewhere...

Strictly speaking the Jelly lists are commons-dev and commons-user. No
problem, I'll answer it here.

> This
>     <jj:goal name="test-attribute">
>       <x:element name="XX">
>         <x:attribute name="version">1.1.1</x:attribute>
>       </x:element>
>     </jj:goal>
> Results in this:
> __  __
> |  \/  |__ Jakarta _ ___
> | |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
> |_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|   v. 1.0-beta-7
> D:\data\proj\lynx-tx-vss\fromVSS\workspace5\
> test-attribute:
> <XX></XX>
> Which is not what I would expect?
> Why didn't my <XX/> element get its attribute ?
> Help appreciated

I added a JellyUnit test case to demonstrate your problem and it is indeed a
bug. (It also illustrates a gap in the JellyUnit test cases thats been

I've just committed a fix for it to CVS, as well as deploying a new
snapshot, so a fresh rebuild of Maven should have this fix inside it. Thanks
for spotting this!


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