I have recently switched to the Jakarta Commons Collections 2.1 library. I
am mostly using it for Buffer implementations as I am working on a network
simulator using queues of messages. Unfortunately there is no method to
know if a buffer is full other than adding an object and catching a
BufferOverflowException... Which is quite annoying for me as the simulator
should only simulate the latency from some data tranfer only if the target
buffer is not full. And I can't predict if a given buffer will a bounded
one or not (depending on the scenario used for simulation).

So, I was planning on coding some utils to test whether a buffer is full
or not.  But then I thought of another alternative, the BoundedCollection
interface :

public interface BoundedCollection extends java.util.Collection
    public boolean isFull();
    public int maxSize();

... of course implemented by the BoundedBuffer class.

So to test if a buffer if full :

if (myBuffer instanceof BoundedCollection)
    bufferFull=false; // as long as there is some free memory left

Maybe I am just reinventing the wheel but if someone as a
{cheap,quick,simple} solution, please tell me. I had my own queue library
working until I changed all my sources to use commons-collections just to
realize I am stuck with this issue.


Herve Quiroz

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