James you are awesome

Thanks again !!

j. matthew pryor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
versata, inc. <www.versata.com>

-----Original Message-----
From: James Strachan [mailto:james_strachan@;yahoo.co.uk] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 11:35 AM
To: J. Matthew Pryor
Cc: 'Jakarta Commons Developers'
Subject: Re: [jelly] XML element nesting out of order

Hi Matthew

From: "J. Matthew Pryor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> James,
> I really appreciate all your help; I am making good progress. I took
> my default namespace and that unblocked me for now.
> This time I have another issue and I am not sure if the fault is mine
> not
> Here is my goal:
>     <jj:goal name="update-version">
>       <x:parse var="feature" xml="feature.xml"/>
>       <x:element name="feature">
>         <x:forEach select="$feature/feature/@*">
>             <x:set var="thename" select="local-name()"/>
>             <x:set var="thevalue" select="string()"/>
>             <j:choose>
>                 <j:when test="${thename == 'version'}">
>                     <x:attribute name="${thename}">2.2.2</x:attribute>
>                 </j:when>
>                 <j:otherwise>
>                     <x:attribute
> name="${thename}">${thevalue}</x:attribute>
>                 </j:otherwise>
>             </j:choose>
>         </x:forEach>
>         <x:copyOf trim="false" select="$feature/feature/*[local-name()
> != 'plugin']"/>
>       </x:element>
>     </jj:goal>
> And here is the abbreviated result:
> update-version:
> <description>
>       Versata Business Logic Design Suite
>    </description><copyright>
>       Copyright (c) 2002 Versata, inc. All Rights Reserved
>    </copyright><license>
>       Empty License Agreement
>    </license>
> <url>
>    <update label="Versata Business Logic Plugin"
> url="http://lynx.versata.com/lynx/builds/nightly";>
> </update>
>    </url>
> <feature id="com.versata.business.logic"
> label="com.versata.business.logic" version="2.2.2"
> provider-name="Versata, In
> c." os="win32" ws="win32" nl="en" arch="x86" primary="true"></feature>
> Total time:  3 seconds
> So I succeeded in updating the version number, but for some reason,
> <feature/> element does not contain the other sub-elements
> I nested the Jelly code to copy yhe sub-elemtns inside an <x:element/>
> tag in the script, but perhaps I am misinterpreting the tags
> TIA for any more help you can provide.

I had a sneaky feeling you might hit this current limitation before I
chance to fix it :-). The code had a limitation that it didn't handle
well child content being output inside the <x:element>. So it couldn't
handle nested <x:element> tags with <x:attribute> tags inside.

I've fixed this issue in CVS and there's a new Jelly snapshot containing

There is a limitation you should be careful of. You shouldn't output any
text content before all the attributes have been defined. (This avoids
having to buffer up the entire contents of the <x:element> tag before
attributes are output.

So this is fine..

<x:element name="foo">
    <x:attribute name="something" value="whatever"/>
    some text...

        <x:element  name="bar" value="1234"/>

however this will generate an exception

<x:element name="foo">
    some text
    <x:attribute name="x" value="1234"/>

I've added a new JellyUnit test case to test both nesting of elements
attributes and that the above does indeed throw an exception.


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