> One of the aims of [clazz] is a unified API to different
metadata/attribute mechanisms.

Maybe its time to update the PROSOAL.html which only really talks about
being a new introspection & reflection mechanism. It doesn't seem to mention
metadata or doclet tags etc.

> The mechanism is to be pluggable, so one solution is to use [attributes]
as a
> pluggable implementation.
> But it might be better to just integrate it (otherwise you end up with two
pluggable levels which adds to confusion).

Though they still appear quite different things. clazz looks to be doing
runtime introspection & reflection. attributes is providing runtime access
to doclet tags in the source code.

Hopefully we can all share the same pluggability mechanism, as with
commons-logging and use commons-discovery.

> [clazz] aims to pull together DynaBeans, MetaData/Attributes and
Introspection into one uniform API - Class manipulation.

That sounds like a different scope to me; a higher level API. It could be
that a pluggable implementation for clazz could use commons-attributes to
access doclet tags.

commons-attributes is really just trying to be kinda like C# attributes. Use
whatever API you wish on top, reflection, introspection, DynaBeans, clazz,
Joda etc. The API for commons-attributes should only be 2 or 3 classes. Its
really very simple...

Already clazz looks much bigger than this. This isn't a problem, it just
seems to illustrate to me that these projects seem to be of differing
scopes. Its still early days and this is the sandbox afterall but I don't
yet think its wise to merge these 2 projects.


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