> Also, I have some concerns about the code for
> NodeCachingLinkedList. It looks like a lot of the code has been copied
> from Sun's LinkedList implementation. If I understand correctly, this
> makes the code unsuitable for inclusion in an Apache project.

I didn't know about these sorts of restrictions.  I've looked around the Apache site 
and can't
find any information on this-- you should've posted a link to whatever you were 
referring.  Now, I
have to say that Sun doesn't have a patent on the linked-list data structure, which is 
going to be implemented the same way over and over again if it adheres to the List 
interface.  If
I were to rewrite LinkedList, I would include an inner ListIterator class, etc.  I 
would track
modifications with a number variable at the class level.  Would it make you feel 
better if I
renamed variables?

The point is that Java doesn't have a patent on the workings of any data structures in 
the Java
language (and I've never seen a patent for a data structure anyway, although it would 
be possible
to get one).  They have copyrights on everything they release.  Maybe we should 
investigate ASF's
liability with regards to all code implementing interfaces or extending classes in the 
Java API. 
Maybe it would be good enough document things like this:

/** implements the LinkedList(c) interface from Sun Microsystems, Inc. */

By the way, your trie implementation is sucky and guaranteed to be slow.  Have a nice 

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