Hi Guillame,

Yeap I agree with you, the user documentation on each parser needs
to be improved.  Unfortunately documentation is not my forté so any
submissions on this front are most welcome :-)

-John K

On Monday, Dec 9, 2002, at 10:23 Europe/Dublin, Guillaume Coté wrote:


As I already mention in a previous email today, I think there is at least a documentation bug since the different behavior of each parser should be clearly explain in the javadoc. (If those difference are expected.)
Well maybe the documentation just needs to be moved. Check out
the links below for descriptions of what the flatten methods
in each Parser do:
[1]http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/cli/apidocs/org/apache/commons/ cli/ GnuParser.html#flatten(org.apache.commons.cli.Options,%20java.lang.Str ing[],%20boolean)
[2]http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/cli/apidocs/org/apache/commons/ cli/ PosixParser.html#flatten(org.apache.commons.cli.Options,%20java.lang.S tring[],%20boolean)
[3]http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/cli/apidocs/org/apache/commons/ cli/ BasicParser.html#flatten(org.apache.commons.cli.Options,%20java.lang.S tring[],%20boolean)
I check the refered documentation. I still think there is a need for more documentation, or a different documentation. The method flatten is protected, so its documentation is intent for developper who need to overload it (and of course developper who write the class).

Simple user of a parser should not have to understand the implementation of it to be able to use it. The documentation of the class and its public method should be enough for anybody to use it, and know which behavior expected from the class they are using.

For example, I think the documentation of the PosixParser should clearly state : "That class expect all short option to have a single character". Also, those all parser assume that a "--" is a long option, or just the posix.

Guillaume Coté
Tel. : +
Fax. : +

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