Ceki Gülcü wrote:

> I have been a long time critic of commons-logging API for its class
> loader based approach of selecting the logging implementation. See for
> example my http://qos.ch/logging/thinkAgain.html document. I think
> more reliable solutions exist. In particular, you might want to
> consider the JNDI based solution discussed in
> http://qos.ch/logging/sc.html.

The class loader based _default_ approach is not perfect, but
you can plug other factories. 

I like the JNDI solution, excelent idea. 

One comment: application isolation is not a voluntary thing. If we want to 
isolate the loggers you can't allow the application to specify what logger 
it wants in web.xml and hope they'll not use the same name. 

Using java:env is a great solution, probably it needs an external
config ( server.xml or the logging config file ).


> I suggest that you begin reading "thinkAgain.html" first and then read
> sc.html. You are welcome to use the heretical ideas contained therein
> to your advantage or alternatively ignore them altogether. Your
> comments, constructive or otherwise, are welcome.
> Regards,
> --
> Ceki

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