On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Costin Manolache wrote:

> Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 13:29:51 -0800
> From: Costin Manolache <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Jakarta Commons Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [logging] Adding jndi java:env support
> The big issue is the behavior.
> My proposal was: if java:env/comp/LoggingDomain is set ( as a String ),
> it'll be used as a prefix in all loggers ( that don't have a prefix ).
> The syntax for the logger names will become:
> And all loggers will have to be configured with this name ( if running
> in a container env with LoggingDomain support ).
> This is very important - and I would like to see more opinions. Maybe
> we should use the domain as a suffix instead of prefix ? Then you would
> have:
>   org.apache.foo:host:8080/examples
> as the log name, but you can set org.apache.foo.* to debug and enable
> the loggers in all apps.
> The prefix is cleaner, but the suffix may be easier to configure.
> For implementation - I'm in no hurry ( I would like to have it before
> tomcat5 is released - but that's not very close ). And I can use
> reflecion or a hook, if needed.

I'm neutral on prefix versus suffix (although prefix feels a little more
in keeping with the hierarchical naming I tend to use for logging).  But
that raises an important consideration -- do the underlying logging
implementations we support deal gracefully with a ":" syntax in a logger
name?  In particlar, could I configure a logger for "DOMAIN:" and have it
apply to all loggers in that domain?  I'm wondering if we might want to
use a period (".") as the connector instead.

> Costin


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