On Fri, 13 Dec 2002, Stephen Colebourne wrote:

> > I think this proposal would be more accurately considered a product change
> > (it removes public classes from a released component and adds a new
> > dependency to a released component, arguably it changes the scope of two
> > released components) and hence would require [lazy] consensus approval.
> > I.e., this is a veto-able action.
> >
> > <http://jakarta.apache.org/site/decisions.html>
> I shall treat it as such then, thanks.

Though the quality of this document seems negated by:

"Release Testing

 After a new release is built, it must be tested before being released to
the public. Majority approval is required before the release can be made.
Once a release is approved by the Committers, the Project Management
Committee can authorize its distribution on behalf of the Foundation."

Who are we meant to be asking on the PMC for a go-ahead when we release a
component? I've never seen that happen.


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