Hi, some of you know me from the Struts project.  I am a committer there.

I have completed an implementation of MessageResources that I would like to
add to Resources.

The idea being that you can keep the key/value pairs in a relational
database.  I've implemented this using OJB under the covers, so you are only
limited to what OJB can handle (as far as supported db vendors).

If you care to see the source before making a decision, please feel free to
grab the zip off my server:

This zip file is a copy of the struts-example (1.1 b1) that has been
modified to demonstrate this implementation using MySql.

This implementation is compatible with every version of Struts up to and
including the latest nightly build (since the API has not changed much).
Includes full support for multiple keyed bundles and Modules (was
I have not finished all the test cases for it yet, but that will come

I'm also building a management tool that will let you (with minimal
dependencies) manage the bundle resources using your own application.  For
those keys that are not visible on the browser, there will be a separate
(optional) section that provides a web interface for such.

James Mitchell
Software Engineer/Struts Evangelist

"C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot; C++ makes it harder, but
when you do, it blows away your whole leg."
- Bjarne Stroustrup

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