I did few small changes to make the source of the 
modeler information pluggable ( i.e. the code that reads
the xml files ). The interface is not yet final, my main
goal was to allow it to work with DOM ( for example if
we want modeler in the main loader and we don't want
all dependencies ).

It seems modeler never used beanutils directly ( it does
its own introspection based on the JMX spec ), so it will
be possible to use modeler with dependencies only one
commons-logging and JAXP.

Regarding speed - it doesn't seem much slower when using DOM.
On my machine it is actually 20% faster ( at least with the
crimson included in JDK1.4 ). Most likely this is due to
direct calls (instead of introspection). I'm testing with
JDK1.4 - other VMs and parsers may have different characteristics.
In any case - it should be easy to use digester if DOM turns to
be slower.

I would also like to change the auto-loading of descriptors
( I added it few weeks ago ). Instead of loading from META-INF
( or in addition ), we should also look in the same package
with the class that needs metadata. This allows a more flexible
layout and provides almost the same features.

The next step I want to make is to let it load <mlet> and 
<jmxSet>/<jmxCall> directly. You probably noticed the ant tasks 
that support this syntax - they allow you to create, set and 
call mbeans inside an ant build file. I would like to do the
same, but without ant. 
In addition I would like to also support the syntax used by jboss - 
it seems clean and I don't want to reinvent what's already available.

The end goal is to allow modeler to read jmx components - like those 
proposed for tomcat.


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