Hi all,

Before we get too much further in the refactoring, I'd
like to nail down a provisional list of which tags
will be part of the core distribution and which will
be separate downloads.  I think common reuse
principles apply.  For the purpose of these tags,
let's suppose that an acceptable measure of reuse is,
"if you're going to use Jelly in _any_ capacity, it's
likely that you will need <taglib_name>."

Here are the tags I'm pretty sure we don't need in the
core distro: ant, antlr, betwixt, bsf, email, html,
http, interaction, jeez, jetty, jms, jsl, ojb, quartz,
soap, sql, swing, threads, validate and xmlunit.

Here are the tags I'm pretty sure we do need at the
core of jelly: core, define.

And here are the tags I'm not sure about...

bean, beanshell, and dynabean: I think they're out. 
They all seem specific to a single domain (ant,
beanshell, beanuitls).

junit: Tough one, since many of our unit tests utilize
these tags.  Thoughts?

log: out?

util: out?

xml: even though Jelly is XML-based in syntax, I don't
see that these tags are really bound to the inner
workings of Jelly.  So I'm inclined to say out.

- Morgan

Morgan Delagrange

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