----- Original Message -----
From: "Kyle R . Burton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Based on that huge win, we started to look at some of our other use of
> Java 1.4 collections, and I was hoping to find a replacement for a HashMap
> that preseved key insertion order and increaced performance -- for our
> application, we're treating the LinkedHashMap as read-only once we've
> populated it.  So I took a crack at implementing a FastLinkedHashMap that
> minimally wraps FastHashMap and SequencedHashMap (to track the key
> order).
Thanks for the submission.

My main comment is that your class only overrides the keySet() method of the
map, but leaves the entrySet() alone (unlike SequencedHashMap). I believe
this would cause confusion.

I actually believe that there is a good idea here, just not quite the
implementation I would choose. There are already two 'Fast' Map
implementations HashMap and TreeMap. Both extend their own map class. I
would want to see FastSequencedHashMap similarly extend SequencedHashMap.
This can only be done by copying most of FastHashMap.

So, yes I would support a FastSequencedHashMap, if it extends
SequencedHashMap and has test cases ;-)


> I'd like to offerr it as a contribution to commons collections (I have
> permission from my employer).  It's not alot of code but I thought others
> might find it useful.  Besides, sharing the code opens up the potential
> of having it improved beyond it's current state and I've enjoyed the
> privilege of minor contributions to other Jakarta projects and woudl like
> to continue to do so.
> The code is available here:
>   http://www.bgw.org/projects/java/misc/FastLinkedHashMap.java
> Best Regards,
> Kyle R. Burton
> --
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> Wisdom and Compassion are inseparable.
>         -- Christmas Humphreys
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