The most recent dicsussion of having a commons-vote list had pretty good support but the thread died away.

Not having a dedicated place to vote is a continuous problem for HttpClient, and would be for any other project that is looking towards its own list. When we vote, we have to decide:

1) to post on the commons-httpclient-dev list where people most interested in httpclient hang out (about 130 subscribers)
2) post to the commons-dev list where most of the commons committers are subscribed
3) cross post and risk getting flamed and fragmenting the results to make the result difficult to veryify

A dedicated list would completely solve our voting problem.

Recently we have seen a number of poorly formed votes on commons. That is just expected in the current framework. The dev list is so casual, that it is natural to expect casual votes. A dedicated vote list would give us well defined location to look to for examples, not 350 messages ago in the archives or somewhere on the website but right there, on the list.

I'm not going to propose a vote on this issue myself: I'm just happy being the release prime for HttpClient. I'm certainly willing to help, but this is somthing that should be driven at a higher level. I would be very impressed if someone on the PMC would take up this cause and at least present a proposal here that we can vote on and bring this issue to a close one way or another.


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