An improved Base64 was added to a "binary" subpackage of codec.   Martin
Redington who is involved in xml-rpc submitted this version of the class as
he has been actively contributing to the xml-rpc effort.  This new version
of the Base64 class improves performance of the decode and also is more
compatible with RFC.  There is a thread on rpc-dev to this effect:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&m

So, [codec] now contains an implementation compatible with the xml-rpc
project, and the next step is to reconcile this version with the needs of

Possible controversy here may be that the RFC was interpreted as requiring a
terminating newline.  The RFC also mentions that a warning or exception
should be thrown when the encoder/decoder encounters invalid characters or
whitespace.  My proposal is that we add a series of boolean flags, int
fields to the method signature to allow client projects to specify different
levels of RFC compliance. 

public static byte[] encode( byte[] binaryData ) throws EncoderException

public static byte[] encode( byte[] binaryData, int errorLevel ) throws

Where errorLevel would be either Base64.IGNORE, Base64.WARN, or

Tim O'Brien

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