
> Hi Dimitri,
> Hmmm. This seems a bit strange to me. It works for Maps (using put instead
> of add).
Sure, a Map is not a Collection.

> If I change the context definition to this:
>  Object o = new Object ();
>  JXPathContext context = JXPathContext.newContext( o );
>  context.getVariables().declareVariable("myList", new ArrayList() );
>  context.getVariables().declareVariable("myMap", new HashMap() );
>  FunctionLibrary library = new FunctionLibrary ();
>  library.addFunctions( new ClassFunctions ( List.class, "list" ) );
>  library.addFunctions( new ClassFunctions ( Map.class, "map" ) );
>  context.setFunctions( library );
> Then I can produce the following results:
> getValue("list:size($myList)") returns: 0
> getValue("list:add($myList, 'hello')") returns: true
> getValue("list:size($myList)") returns: 0
> getValue("$myList") returns: []
> getValue("map:size($myMap)") returns: 0
> getValue("map:put($myMap, 'key', 'value')") returns: null
> getValue("map:size($myMap)") returns: 1
> getValue("$myMap") returns: {key=value}
> So you can see that the Map is mutable. I'm not sure how difficult it is
> allow for mutable Lists, but if I can't do things like:
> getValue("list:add($myList, 'hello')") returns: true
There is a sort-of round about way of getting to a list by reference.
Create a wrapper for it and pass that wrapper to your own custom extension
function, which would then add an element to the list.

> I think it might be a show stopper for me. I am almost certainly trying to
> use JXPath in a way that was not intended. I am trying to build a 2 way
> binding mapping structure which I think JXPath is excellent for, but I
> also like to add some easy micro-scripting, which is maybe not possible
> JXPath.
Right, I think you might be stretching JXPath's capabilities.  The
getValue() method is supposed to be a query, that is a request without side

> One other thing, can you explain to me why the returned collections should
> be immutable? Is it necessary to enforce that behaviour?
I make the collection immutable simply to get it to throw an exception. If
the collection is mutable, operations changing it are successful, but since
the changes are made to some temporary collection, not the original one you
want to change.

> Thanks for your help,

> Adam.

I hope this does not make jxpath completely unusable for you.

- Dmitri
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dmitri Plotnikov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Jakarta Commons Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 9:47 PM
> Subject: Re: [JXPath] Problem adding objects to an ArrayList Variable
> > Adam,
> >
> > JXPath is in fact incapable of doing what you want it to do.  Before a
> > collection is passed to an extension function, it undergoes some
> > conversions, which make it unmodifiable.  JXPath should of course throw
> > an exception in this case.  I have added that exception and will check
> > that new code in tonight.
> >
> > The rationale for this behavior is that from JXPath's perspective an
> > extension function cannot take a collection by reference. Arguments of
> > an extension function are either primitive values or "node sets", which
> > are really results of search.  JXPath finds all nodes matching the
> > path, loads them into a list and then passes the list to the function.
> > Consider for example this:
> >
> >    context.getValue("size(//foo[bar = 3])")
> >
> > From this example it should be clear that the argument of the function
> > is in fact an unmodifiable collection - results of search.
> >
> > We could of course do something special for variables, but then the
> > extension function's code would have to be aware of the difference
> > between variables and general node sets.  I think we should avoid this
> > implicit difference.
> >
> > What you could do to add a node to the collection is call
> > createPathAndSetValue() with a path like "$myList[24]".
> >
> > Thanks for bringing this issue up - I should document it.
> >
> > - Dmitri
> >
> >
> > --- Adam J Chesney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > Attached is a small test program that simply defines a Context like
> > > this:
> > >
> > >  Object o = new Object ();
> > >  JXPathContext context = JXPathContext.newContext( o );
> > >  context.getVariables().declareVariable("myList", new ArrayList() );
> > >
> > >  FunctionLibrary library = new FunctionLibrary ();
> > >  library.addFunctions( new ClassFunctions ( List.class, "list" ) );
> > >  context.setFunctions( library );
> > >
> > > The output from executing several XPath expressions on it is thus:
> > >
> > > getValue("list:size($myList)") returns: 0
> > >
> > > getValue("list:add($myList, 'hello')") returns: true
> > >
> > > getValue("list:size($myList)") returns: 0
> > >
> > > getValue("$myList") returns: []
> > >
> > > I would expect the String 'hello' to be added to the list, and
> > > therefore the second call to size should return 1.
> > >
> > > Am I doing something wrong here?
> > >
> > > Cheers,
> > >
> > > Adam
> > >
> > > =====================================================
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> > > > package test;
> > >
> > > import org.apache.commons.jxpath.*;
> > > import java.util.*;
> > >
> > > /**
> > >  * <p>Title: </p>
> > >  * <p>Description: </p>
> > >  * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2003</p>
> > >  * <p>Company: </p>
> > >  * @author unascribed
> > >  * @version 1.0
> > >  */
> > >
> > > public class Test2
> > > {
> > >
> > >   public static void main(String[] args)
> > >     {
> > >       try
> > >       {
> > > Object o = new Object ();
> > > JXPathContext context = JXPathContext.newContext( o );
> > > context.getVariables().declareVariable("myList", new ArrayList() );
> > >
> > > FunctionLibrary library = new FunctionLibrary ();
> > > library.addFunctions( new ClassFunctions ( List.class, "list" ) );
> > > context.setFunctions( library );
> > >
> > > getValue (context, "list:size($myList)");
> > > getValue (context, "list:add($myList, 'hello')");
> > > getValue (context, "list:size($myList)");
> > > getValue (context, "$myList");
> > >       }
> > >       catch (Exception e1)
> > >       {
> > > e1.printStackTrace();
> > >       }
> > >   }
> > >
> > >   public static Object getValue ( JXPathContext context, String xpath
> > > )
> > >   {
> > >     Object obj = context.getValue( xpath );
> > >     System.out.println("getValue(\"" + xpath + "\") returns: " +  obj
> > > );
> > >     return obj;
> > >   }
> > >
> > > }
> > > >
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