Eric Johnson wrote:

> Hello,
> I was looking into using the httpclient in an
> application that requires client certificate
> authentication.  According to the JSSE documentation,
> the mechanism for doing this is to get your
> SSLSocketFactory from an SSLContext, which allows you
> to specify the KeyManager and TrustManager.  I plan on
> writing my own implementation of the
> SecureProtocolSocketFactory that takes a SSLContext as
> an argument for a constructor and has a
> SSLSocketFactory field.  I just thought I'd pass this
> along as it might be a nice addition to
> SSLProtocolSocketFactory.  I have no need of it, but
> if anyone has an idea of how to specify a particular
> HostNameVerifier similar to SUN's method in
> HttpsUrlConnection, that might also be a nice
> addition.

You can check the FakeTrusteSocketFactory in xml-axis - it 
implements what you (seem to) need.


> BTW, if anyone has a strong opinion on whether I
> should even consider http-client for my application,
> please feel free to share it with me.  I realize it's
> only at alpha2, but my options have pretty well been
> narrowed down to rolling my own feature starved
> httpclient, mucking about with the client,
> or using the commons-httpclient.
> Regards,
> Eric
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