yes. check the link I posted below.

I am trying to get the tools to use a velocity macro in a jsp. The project is all jsp/struts/tiles and I will be adding a single jsp with one simple vel: tag + a #parse

this should give me velocity marcos and only require the jsp to be compiled one, right?

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
On Sunday, February 16, 2003, at 01:42 AM, Hanasaki JiJi wrote:

downloaded the nitely src for velocity and need to build the veltags.

Do you mean the velocity JSP tag?

ant getjars tries to contact and fails becuase I am behind a firewall.
anyay to tell ant to use an http proxy?
doesnt really matter since this link doesnt respond to a
web browser either

So... How can I get jjar? or at least get to my goal of a working veltags.jar?


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