hi jeff

On Wednesday, February 19, 2003, at 06:15 AM, Jeffrey D. Brekke wrote:

Commons/Net v1.0.0 has been released, almost.  I was following the
release documentation (
http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/releases.html ) as this is my first
release of a commons project and sort of got stuck around number 10.
I can see where to update the xdoc, but I'm not sure about where to
put the source/binary distributions that the links in jakarta-site2
refer to.  The source and dist have been placed according to previous
items in the list, but the jakarta-site2 links seem to reference an
additional location.
the source/binary distributions that are linked from the jakarta-site2 pages use the apache mirroring system.

scott sanders copied some releases from the commons over to the mirror system a while ago. the new releases that i've done have used the mirrors (rather than the old commons release directory) but i've held off changing the release document since i wanted to see what other people think.

So the project site ( http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/net/ ),
source, and dist have been deployed onto jakarta.apache.org and cvs
has been tagged.  I didn't do the full announcement to announcements
and commons-user mailing lists yet either.

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.
mirrored releases require a bit more work since they've got to be signed and have checksums. it's up to you whether you want to make net available through the mirrors but i think that it'd be a good idea (since it's likely to be a popular download :)

if you don't want the release mirrored, then go ahead and update the websites (commons and jakarta-site2) and then send your announcements. (if you need someone with daedelus karma to update the sites once you've check in your changes, just ask.

if you do want the release mirrored, then either i can set up the directory structure you need then sign and move the jars in the commons release directory into the mirrored directory or i give you detailed instructions about how to do it. either way's cool with me - just let me know.

- robert

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