See below...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alex Chaffee / Purple Technology [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2003 3:09 PM
> To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
> Subject: Re: [lang] Summarising Purple Was: [lang] Adding 
> Purple to StringUtils
> * abbreviate
> OK!  How about I add this one myself?  I'm a Tomcat 
> committer; whom do I ask to add me to the karma list for 
> commons?  (I think I heard that Tomcat committers don't need 
> a confirmation vote.)
> * integrate truncateNicely and abbreviate
> This I'd have to do research on; probably should wait until
> abbreviate() is done.
> * differentAt, differentText
> I like these names.  Another suggestion is to use 
> "difference" since that describes the return value (and 
> "different" implies it's returning a boolean, like "is 
> different" vs. "get the difference").
> So can I get a +1 on:
>       public String difference(String s1, String s2)
>       public int differenceAt(String s1, String s2)

+1, for the reasons enumerated

> * Change chomp to match perl
> I can do this too.
> * Rename current chomp
> I've been getting in the habit of restricting the use of 
> "get" in method names (properties only).  So I prefer a verb 
> like "bisect" or "divide" rather than "getAfterFirst" and such.  
> I think "bisect" is good since it explicitly means "two 
> parts" rather than "split" which returns many parts.

Wouldn't "removeFromLast" describe the action more succiently than "bisect"
or "divide"?

> * Change getPrechomp [aka getAfterFirst or bisectAfter] to 
> not return the separator.
> That sounds fine; how do we handle deprecation warnings for 
> this and for chomp?  (In case people rely on the old behavior.)
> * escapeHtml, unescapeHtml 
> * escapeJava, escapeJavaScript
> * future: escapeSql, escapeXml, unescape*
> Henri suggested to make to hold all 
> these.  I like that a lot.  Any more +1s?

+1. I like the separation.

> As for deprecation, the only method that would need to be 
> deprecated is StringUtils.escape.  Since Java escaping is the 
> natural thing you'd expect StringUtils to do, it makes sense 
> to leave it in there as StringUtils.escape.  So I propose 
> leaving that as it is, and instead just making it call 
> StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava.

+1, because it avoids deprecation

> * uncurlQuotes
> There was no vote on this.  It's not escaping, but 
> converting, so I think it belongs in the base StringUtils.  
> Any objections?
> * toUnderscoreName, toCamelCaseName
> This is not escaping, so it doesn't belong in 
> StringEscapeUtils.  I'd be happy to put them in StringUtils...
> ... especially since I just realized that these two methods, 
> in combination with upperCase and lowerCase and and 
> replace(s, "_", " ") and uncapitalise and capitaliseAllWords, 
> can be used to convert between all of
>       yo mama
>       Yo Mama
>       Yo_Mama
>       yo_mama
>       YO_MAMA
>       YoMama
>       yoMama
> The only question now is how many convenience methods we want 
> to clutter the API with.

I still think these are more functionality than is intended in StringUtils.
Would it make sense to put them into a StringConvertUtils?

> -- 
> Alex Chaffee                               mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Purple Technology - Code and Consulting
> jGuru - Java News and FAQs       
> Gamelan - the Original Java site 
> Stinky - Art and Angst           
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Steven Caswell
a.k.a Mungo Knotwise of Michel Delving
"One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them..."

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