Jason Corley wrote:
I'm not sure whether this is appropriate for tomcat-dev or commons-dev, so I'll post
here first and if it's the wrong forum I'll repost on tomcat-dev.

I'm trying to run tomcat (4.1.18 to be specific) on Linux using the jsvc executable
from jakarta-commons-sandbox/daemon.  Right now I'm having two issues with it's use.
The first is that it doesn't appear to process arguments in the fashion that is
documented.  If run:

dist/jsvc --help

I get:

jsvc [-options] class [args...]

however if I run:

    dist/jsvc \
    -user tomcat4 \
    -home /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_01 \
    -Dcatalina.home=/var/tomcat4 \
    -Djava.io.tmpdir=/var/tomcat4/temp \
    -cp /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_01/lib/tools.jar:dist/commons-daemon.jar:\
/var/tomcat4/bin/bootstrap.jar \
    -debug \
    -verbose \
    org.apache.catalina.startup.BootstrapService stop

it functions exactly the same as if I run jsvc with
org.apache.catalina.startup.BootstrapService start, i.e. it starts tomcat.  So the
argument to the class seems to not be parsed.

It is not parsed: +++ (From java.c) char start[]="start"; char startparams[]="()Z"; +++

Also, when starting tomcat the shutdown port defined in my server.xml (typically port 8005) does not get allocated at all, so the standard shutdown mechanism does not work either.

At this point I'm not sure if I've done something wrong or if this functionality has
yet to be implemented.  Any help would be appreciated.

You should not try to call the stop method of BootstrapService but instead kill the father process so that he stops Tomcat using the stop method in his son process. The Tomcat.sh script shows how to do this.

Thanks, Jason

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