Due to problems getting the previous email with some code through paranoid firewalls I 
try again here... ;)

The original email:

[BeanUtils] - Extensions for dotted queries in composite data structures


Attached you find some classes that extends the functionality of the existing 
BeanUtils package;




The purpose of this extension is to allow bean property queries not only on pure 
beans, but in composite data structures that might involve maps, lists, arrays and 
collections in addition to the traditional beans.

The ObjectUtils lets you resolve dotted queries like this;

        String text = (String) ObjectUtils.get(namespace, 

as opposed to

        String text = (String) ((List) ((Catalog) 

The NestedObjectUtils lets you do the same, but allows nested queries like;


The NestedObjectUtils depends on the Commons-Lang 
(org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils) in addition to the existing BeanUtils 

I've javadoc'ed the code and provided some unit tests... Let me know what you think - 
should this be included in the BeanUtils package in some future release? What about 
extending it to support the DynaBean concept? What about extending the query language 
in the BeanUtils package in general to support both traditional () and [] delimiters 
in addition to the uniformed dot - as it is used in these classes?



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