I've just checked in a simple JellyMBean library which is similar in many
ways to the Ant tasks in commons-modeler. There's some elementary
documentation here...


Probably the easiest way to get started is to take a look at an example,
either follow the next link or try the link from the above page...


The example uses mx4j though it should work equally well with any JMX
implementation. It creates beans/MBeans and registers them with a JMX
provider so UIs such as Panoptes can create & register aribitrary beans.

Variables are supported; so that as beans as created & registered they can
be exported as variables & connected together without having to use the JMX
query mechanism.  Also factory objects & method invocations can be easily
supported to set bean/MBean properties and JMX operations invoked.

<beandef> can be used to define tags that map to certain classes of bean,
which acts as a simple macro mechanism making it easier to read the JMX
configuration. Finally nested properties are supported (like Ant), so
attributes on beans can be specified, arbitrarily deep, using nested
elements or XML attributes.

Like the Ant tasks in commons-modeler, the JellyMBean format is a nice
simple JMX container useful for testing & scripting MBeans.


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