Hi ,

Attached is a tag I created for this purpose sometime ago (pre execption
handling change), so may or may not work with latest CVS but may be of some
use ..

Don't ask why it's called elephant :)

<e:xmlOutput encode="false">


----- Original Message -----
From: "Wannheden, Knut" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jakarta-Commons-Dev (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 12:50 PM
Subject: [jelly] outputing unescaped xml

> Hi all,
> I recently posted this message to a thread in commons-user, but I didn't
> any response.  As the content seems more apropriate in this list and I'd
> really interested in comments I hereby pick the thread up again.
> In summary the discussion is about how XMLOutput should consume text
> with characters like '<' and '&' in it -- XML escape it or not?
> The following script demonstrates the "problem":
> <j:jelly xmlns:j="jelly:core">
> <j:set var="foo">
> <foo/>
> </j:set>
> ${foo}
> </j:jelly>
> I expected the output to be "<foo></foo>" but it is actually
> "&lt;foo&gt;&lt;/foo&gt;".
> It was suggested that setting the "encode" attribute of the <j:set/> tag
> false would fix the problem.  This does however for two resons not solve
> problem:
>  1. The "encode" attribute controls whether body text passed to the
> XMLOutput should be encoded using XML entities.  The keyword being _text_.
> The body of the <j:set/> tag does however not contain any text, only an
> element which Jelly parses into a tag (StaticTag).  So there is no text to
> encode in the XMLOutput anyway.
>  2. The value of the variable "foo" is the String "<foo></foo>".  When
> variable is dereferenced with "${foo}" in the script it is naturally
> as a String to the XMLOutput of the enclosing <j:jelly/> tag.  And now,
> since an XMLOutput instance by default escapes body text, the variable
> gets consumed and as "&lt;foo&gt;&lt;/foo&gt;" in the XMLOutput.
> Now the question is whether the current behaviour of Jelly in a case like
> this is actually the desired behaviour.  If not, then the solution would
> to change the factory methods in XMLOutput to return an instance which
> doesn't escape body text using XML entities, unless otherwise specified.
> Of course, if this change was made, then the quesion of how to output XML
> escaped form comes up.  Should Jelly provide a tag (as <x:escape/>) for
> purpose?  Or should the "encode" attribute be available for all tags (like
> "trim")?  IMHO the best solution would be to change the default behaviour
> XMLOutput so it doesn't escape body text and provide a tag for escaping.
> What do you think?
> I'd be happy to write patches for this as soon as a concensus is reached.
> Cheers,
> --
> knut

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