I'd say the Option and Argument API is pretty stable, we'll do a review of
this prior to a release to make sure. (The XXXBuilders will be as stable
as the interfaces due to the tight coupling).

The CommandLineParser may need some work, I don't think it will be
too much though.

The OptionGroup stuff will be a moving target for the next week or so.
I'm working on this at the moment.

In saying all of that, unless you are only experimenting I wouldn't
recommend changing version.  It would be nice if you did have time
to experiment and report back on your progress though.

-John K

On Tuesday, May 27, 2003, at 17:02 Europe/Dublin, Gary Gregory wrote:

Good news on progress. How stable do you feel the pre-2.0 API is for those
of wanting to port from 1.0?


-----Original Message-----
From: John Keyes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2003 14:55
To: commons-dev
Subject: [CLI] Latest news

To whom it concerns,

   . I've been doing some work on the 'cli_1_x' branch and have added
     documentation to each class (except the util package and the

   . There were multiple constructors defined on OptionImpl and
     which have been reduced to the single one used by the XXXBuilder

Next on the list is to resolve the OptionGroup use cases, as previously
discussed on this mailing list.  Followed by more work on anonymous
Arguments.  When this is done, I'll take stock of the situation and try
put together a roadmap of the development work needed for the 2.0
release (two notable tasks being the HelpFormatter and the

-John K
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Jakarta Commons CLI

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