Hello - 

I am writing to inquire if anyone has any interest in
adding a Double Metaphone implementation to the
Commons Codec project.  To my knowlege there is not an
implementation of this in your latest release, and the
archive is down so I have no idea if someone else
already proposed it.

Double Metaphone is an enhancement to the orginal
Metaphone algorithm (already included with the Codec
project).  It is by the author of the original
Metaphone algorithm, Lawrence Philips.  For his
orginal article on the algorithm see

I needed to create an implementation in Java and was
unable to find a bug-free implementation, so I created
my own based from Lawrence Philips' original C++ code
(available at
ftp://ftp.cuj.com/pub/2000/1806/philips.zip).  Since
there are no reference implementations or test suites,
I have done my best to make sure that my implemenation
complies with other implementations available for
other languages.

If there is an interest in adding the Double Metaphone
algorithm, I will see about donating the source (it is
currently the property of my employer, but I suspect
that there will be little resistance to the donation).


Ben Walstrum

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