Think I'll bring this back to the list now.

Interesting they actually recommend the two pass for when you can store all the values and "Wests" for when storage isn't required/available. Maybe we whould evaluate "Wests" for univariateImpl and the twopass for the StoreUnivariate?


Al Chou wrote:
--- "Mark R. Diggory" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Another interesting paper on the subject.


ATTACHMENT part 2 application/pdf name=p526-chan.pdf

Ah, I think I see where the Stanford paper went wrong.  I even missed it in
Hanson's paper.  From algorithm V2 (West's) of the Chan et al. paper, I see
that the Stanford authors are missing a crucial division of S by (i - 1) when
all the updating is done.

Again, Mark, thanks so much for looking up these citations.


Albert Davidson Chou

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