On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 17:45, bob mcwhirter wrote:
> Here's the tally I have:
> +1 for:
>       bob mcwhirter
>       kevin ross
>       jason van zyl
>       morgan delagrange
>       paul hammant  (non-binding?)
>       tim o'brien (non-binding?)
> -1 (against):
>       <none>
> 0 (active abstain):
>       <none>
> So, at least 4 binding +1s and no negatives.
> Can someone with the privs add Peter Royal (proyal) to the jakarta-commons avail?


>       Thanks,
>       -bob
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Jason van Zyl

In short, man creates for himself a new religion of a rational
and technical order to justify his work and to be justified in it.
  -- Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society

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