--- "Mark R. Diggory" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Also, I neglected
> >to execute maven clean before test.  My mistake.  I see now that these
> methods
> >are reused, so we have to keep them in StatUtils (unless we decide to drop
> >skewness and kurtosis from UnivariateImpl).  I will submit a revised patch
> >keeping these things in; but I am getting a little squemish about so many
> static
> >methods. My preference would be to remove skewness and kurtosis from
> >UnivariateImpl and StatUtils as well.
> >
> >
> Ok, I'm always going to be a little touchy about Skew and Kurt, their 
> kinda like my first born children.

We really should look at whether the functionality we are providing is useful
to our audience and base our decisions heavily on that.  I understand your
sentiment, but what it should boil down to is, "Is this feature providing
value?"  For instance, now that I have backed off on submitting a Ridders'
method root finder, I no longer have an explicit use case for MathUtils.sign(),
and it could be argued that this method should be removed.  As for skewness and
kurtosis, my opinion remains that they are little used in the real world (and
are thus causing undue debate within the project and wasting time and energy). 
No one has commented on that remark, as far as I can remember.


Albert Davidson Chou

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