
ok, I think I understand how it works internally. 
But I honestly must say I do not understand the reasons 
for all this ClassLoader stuff, or at least I do not know
the requirements which lead to a mechanism, that is
much to complicated for what I need.

What Clazz did was to mimic java.langClass
(forName(), defineClass(), ClassLoader)
and I just need a better and simply 
configurable java.beans.Introspector. I yesterday
tried to convert it to such a simpler architecture, but 
it would take more than a whole day I think, so I 
refrained and will stay with my own reflection hack.

This surely does not mean that Clazz has a bad
architecture (in the contrary) it just does fulfill
requirements I do not have.

Thanks for the very interesting and (for me at least)
fruitful discussion.


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