On Thu, 3 Jul 2003, Jeremias Maerki wrote:

> - Setup a website to attract more people and to prepare for a release.

Let me know if you need help with this.

> Additional ideas:
> - Add an additional ByteArrayOutputStream variant that saves content
>   in memory just as the original but starts to write to a temp file when
>   a given number of bytes is surpassed. This is to reduce the memory
>   usage for big "things".

Sounds good.

> For reference, I've just looked up what projects/modules are currently showing
> as depedant on Commons IO in Gump:
> - commons-xo
> - db-torque
> - jakarta-turbine-3
> - jakarta-turbine-stratum
> - jakarta-turbine-stratum-full
> - maven
> - maven-bootstrap
> - xml-fop


> What needs to be done to bring IO to release readiness?
> What I see is:
> - Many classes need test cases (I'll try to write some)
> - filefilter, input and output packages look pretty good, probably need
>   some occasional documentation touch-up.
> - I don't know about the compress package. There's bzip2 in a separate
>   sub-subproject. Ant also still has classes for bzip/zip/tar. I think
>   these parts should be consolidated in a separate compress project.

Compress should be pulled out I agree. Have you noticed the list of todo's
in STATUS.html?


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