Fredrik -

Thanks for the edits!

> I also discovered some other issues while fixing the javadoc:
> - Several classes does test Strings on it own instead of using
>    StringUtils.isEmpty() or StringUtils.isNotEmpty(), is that a
>    deliberate design decision?

Nope. The code could well use some refactoring to use StringUtils methods.

> - Alot of @parameter and @return javadoc is missing.

Personally, I prefer JavaDoc tags to remain missing *unless* they add
something relevant to the documentation. Since the JavaDoc utility
automatically displays the name and type of all parameters and the return
type, JavaDoc comments like this:

* @param amt the amount

are just documentation bugs waiting to happen. Since JavaDoc does not get
compiled or refactored or unit tested, if someone changes the name of 'amt'
to 'amount' without changing the comment then there's no way to tell. Better
to just name your parameters meaningfully and skip the redundant comments.

Case in point: you used @parameter -- isn't the proper tag @param? :-)

 - Alex

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