----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Steitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Currently, StringUtils.indexOfAny(str, searchStrings) returns 0 if
> searchStrings contains "", but we return -1 if it contains null.  Is
> this the way we want it to work? We should add javadoc in any case.

I guess it has to be. String.indexOf("") returns 0. So this just matches
that behaviour.

> One more thing. I really like the examples in the javadoc, but in some
> cases they might be clearer/more complete if we used "*" to indicate
> *any* value (i.e., null, "", "  ", "abc", etc).  For example,
> StringUtils.indexOfAny(null, *) = -1
> StringUtils.indexOfAny(*, null) = -1

I think I'm OK with it. The downside is it involves learning a convention.
But I think its probably obvious enough. Any other views?


> I am preparing a patch fixing a few small typos/omissions in the
> StringUtils javadoc.  Is it OK if I use this notation?
> Phil

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