Betwixt uses BeanUtils's ConverterUtils to do type conversions. You could always register your own special converter object to handle the conversion of String -> Date. Though I would have throught this worked out of the box as I thought java.util.Date was supported.

Any chance you could create a little test case of a bean & some XML that doesn't work correctly and we can add it to the JUnit test cases & then fix the problem.

BTW your bean is following the Java beans property naming rules? i.e. one getter & one setter with the same type?

On Wednesday, July 23, 2003, at 12:01 am, Ujjwala Kulkarni wrote:

Hi ,


I guess , when user calls method beanReader.parse(file) , the ?‘update’ of class org.apache.commons.betwixt.expression.MethodUpdater ?gets called.


I observed that if the data types are java.util.Date , int the attributes are not getting converted to the required data type and hence I get the InvalidArgumentExcetion as the default attribute type passed is ‘String’


If the date is java.sql.Date then there is no problem but if it is java.util.Date type then I get this exception. One possible cause is that these data types do not have constructors accepting String as only argument.


e.g java.util.Date ?has deprecated new Date(String) constructor.

And the Interger can not be converted to int like? new int(String) ?the code


“newValue = ConvertUtils.convert( (String) newValue, valueType );”? will always fail to convert to int or java.util.Date.


Attaching the log file where I modified MethodUpdater and the log file I got. In theMethodUpdater , I have put some statements with ‘UJ’ so you will see the log has those debug statements.




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