at the moment ConvertUtilsBean uses a private FastHashMap to store the Converters it uses to perform it's conversions. this has several consequences. firstly, this makes it hard for users to choice to use alternative Converter selection algorithms. for example see:

this also has the consequence that it is the default set of Converters is hard coded - when deregister is called, ConvertUtils reverts to the default set of Converters hard coded. being able to configure this initial list (for example when a web application is deployed) would be a useful.

so, i'd like to introduce a strategy (probably an abstract class so that any methods which need to be added in the future can be). this would encapsulate the storage and retrieval of Converters. ConvertUtilsBean would focus on using Converters to perform conversions.

comments anyone?

anyone see any issues before i go ahead and start coding?

- robert

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