+1 for this.

Do you have a url example of what change we can expect to see to a
mavenised project?


On Sat, 16 Aug 2003, robert burrell donkin wrote:

> one of the problems with the current commons website is that most
> mavenized components do not carry links back into jakarta-commons. i think
> that a major reason for this is that these have to maintained separately
> for each component and can easily become out-of-date.
> i've been playing around today and would like to offer a (partial)
> solution. it's possible to declare the menu entries as entities in a DTD.
> this DTD can include these from xml fragment files. the information would
> be moved from the project.xml into fragments and referenced from a DTD.
> (yes, i know that XInclude's are much better but it would involve extra
> overhead and extra learning for people. this way means that the existing
> process can be retained.)
> anyway, in practice this means that by adding a DTD definition to the top
> of a navigation.xml, mavenized components will be able to choose to
> include menus from the jakarta commons main menu. ever time that the
> documentation is rebuilt, the most up to date versions will be grabbed and
> used - zero maintenance for the component.
> unless some folks come up with some good reasons not to do this, i'll move
> the menus from the project.xml into xml fragment files sometime soon.
> - robert
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