I took a look around the web for primitive collection implementations, 
http://pcj.sourceforge.net looked interesting, and had some links at the
bottom to similar projects.

On Thu, 2003-08-21 at 16:24, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
> At work I use Velocity to generate the java classes which then get checked
> into the CVS. The main trick in my case was to allow the generated java
> files to be read in again by the generator next time around, so manually
> added methods weren't lost.
> Code generation will work well for generating primitive Maps as there are so
> many possible combinations. However, before anyone starts, it would be good
> to search the web as I'm sure someone has probably already done this. They
> may be persuedable to donate the code/generator to Apache.
> Stephen
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "J.Pietschmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > __matthewHawthorne wrote:
> > > There are many times that I've wished I had found a nice way to
> > > autogenerate things while creating a bunch of redundant primitive
> > > methods.
> >
> > There are half a zillion methods for generating code, starting
> > with Bash/Sed/Perl hacks, leading to dedicated macro languages
> > like the C preprocessor and m4, continuing with a variety of web
> > templating languages like PHP, there's XSLT and finally high
> > level stuff like lex/yacc, ANTLR and all the other grammar
> > generators.
> >
> > The recurrent problems:
> > - Need dedicated Ant tasks (Make was a bit easier here)
> > - IDEs rarely handle them well
> > - Tracking compile and runtime errors caused by generated code
> >    to the ultimate source isn't well supported and often painful
> >
> > I personally use ad-hoc generators mainly to bootstrap code, once
> > the bulk of the code is stable, I abandon them.
> >
> > J.Pietschmann
> >
> >
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