Okay. Nearly done. Here's a list of what I've done:

Used the builds that spent a week on my ~bayard public_html.
Used md5sum on minotaur to create md5's.
Tested this on a Mac OS X box.
Used gpg on my personal server to create gpg asc files.
Tested this on minotaur.
Deployed these to the Apache dist/ with KEYS and release notes.
Modified the Jakarta site's binindex/sourceindex to state 2.0.
Moved JDiff, release notes and new docs to the lang/ directory.
Modified the Commons Lang page.
Uploaded this to the Jakarta site.
Removed the xdocs/lang/ directory from CVS [the nasty way, rm -r]
  Note: You might get an error from your cvs client and need to remove
  that yourself. There is no point having lang/ in there and it's going to
  get in the way of our next version under maven.

I will wait 24 hours until I send an announcement. If anyone could take a
peek to see if things look good, try a mirror maybe tomorrow afternoon [or
evening GMT], etc etc. I'm guessing the big deal is when mirrors start
delivering the commons-lang-current.zip as the 2.0 build and not the 1.0.1

S'been quite a slog. Could quite possibly have missed something. Need to
get this lot scripted :)


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