Mladen Turk wrote:


Since the procrun is fairly generic application that might have it's
usage beyond the Tomcat5 scope, after some consultations with remm, I
propose the following reorganization:

1. All the TC specific code and resources will be moved to
2. There will be no build files in the bin neither they will be
3. The binaries will be in the j-t-c/procrun/bin so that we can use them
in the installation build.
4. Make the needed callback mechanism to enable the separation.


There is another approach; that we make the subfolder 'tomcat' in the
procrun and keep all the tomcat specific code in there.
It could have its purpose too, cause it will show how to customize the
procrun to a specific application look and feel, without the need to
download from j-t-c.

I see the point, but IMO even examples should be rather generic. Also, if thay are production components, they shouldn't be labelled as examples.
The TC branding modifications should be mentioned in the docs, however.


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