On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 13:06, Simon Kitching wrote:
>  try {
>      Log oldLog = digester.getLogger();
>      digester.setLogger(new NoOpLog());
>      digester.parse(
>         TestAll.getInputStream(this, "test2.xml"));
>      digester.setLogger(oldLog);
>   }
>   catch(Exception e) {
>     // yay - exception was correctly generated
>     // ....
>   }


 Log oldLog = digester.getLogger();
 try {
    digester.setLogger(new NoOpLog());
      TestAll.getInputStream(this, "test2.xml"));
 catch(Exception e) {
     // yay ... etc
 finally {


In fact, it probably doesn't matter a damn about restoring the old
logger, as the test has failed. Still, don't want anyone thinking I
can't handle exceptions properly!

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