
After the testing I have built the newest version from the CVS. When I re-run the test today, it shows the following error.

[junit] Unable to construct service js.util.testA: Unable to construct service hivemind.BuilderFactory: Unable to construct service hivemind.LoggingInterceptor: A recursive call to construct service hivemind.BuilderFactory has occured. This indicates a cycle between one or more services or configurations.

And that's OK since the code can detect the cyclic dependency of the services.

BTW, I have changed my code to extend the BuilderFactory and create another service point by copying the default BuilderFactory definition.

Regards, Eric

Howard M. Lewis Ship wrote:
But I notes from the debug log that the system creates multiple instances of the BuilderFactory & the interceptor - one for each <invoke-factory> config in the xml file. If I replace my interceptor with the "hivemind.LoggingInterceptor", the behavior is the same.

I would like to know if this is the system behavior if I add a interceptor in the service "hivemind.BuilderFactory" since the instantiation of interceptor requests the "hivemind.BuilderFactory" service.

hivemind.BuilderFactory is a singleton; it is created exactly once.  I'd like to see 
the debug
output you mention; there must be misleading output (perhaps due to the recent 

Howard M. Lewis Ship
Creator, Tapestry: Java Web Components

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