Hi all,

I've just posted the latest snapshot of my CLI2 proposal to
http://www.oxspring.net/projects/cli/5/ (cheers for the prompting John).
I've concentrated on features and functionality and there is currently no
attempt at backwards compatability at all. Having said that, the whole thing
is packaged in the o.a.c.cli2 package so there is no actual overlap with
previous code.

I've started on the docs to give you an idea of how to use the new model, so
have a read of the basic usage guide (upto Using a boolean option) and in
depth usage is started in the advanced usage guide.  I've also included a
jcoverage report to demonstrate that most of my code at least does something
that I wanted it to.

The features available:
Arguments (including anonymous ones)
Pluggable argument validation (...cli2.validation package)
Groups (inclusive and exclusive, naming as an option)
DefaultOptions (every day standard options, as many names / aliases as
Commands (ala cvs, svn etc)
Switches (+display & -display in one option)
Java style property handling (-Dprop=val, turned off  by default)
-- option processing (turned off by default)
Full compliment of Builder classes for easy option construction
PatternBuilder (completely untested but should match old features)
Flexible HelpFormatter
Extensible design.

Commit to cvs?
Test patternbuilder
Test test test
Doc doc doc
xml2cli (currently thinking that dvsl will do the job, and maybe similar to
produce ant tasks and man pages etc)
Add more validators (and functor adaptors)
Rename stuff (I'm not completely at ease with triggers() vs prefixes() and
DefaultOption still sits uncomforatbly.  Also some tool was complaining that
the process method was a bit close to a keyword but nothing better sprung to

Anyway, I think it currently tackles all my needs so I've got no immediate
plans to develop it more at home.  If there's interest and feedback then
I'll be happy to address issues and if the proposal is taken up by whole or
by part for CLI2 then I'm happy to muck in and help out.

Hope its up to scratch,


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