
Determining something like 90% or 75% (order-statics) is
O(n) time for n elements using most algorithms, however
there is a technique of augmenting a red-black tree with the element's RANK (its 
global order) by doing this augmentation, and keeping track of the tree size, you can 
reduce the cost of order-statistics to O(lg n) time.

Also, it requires a modification to both the insert and delete functions of the 
Red-Black tree, because any rotate-right or rotate-left functions must "Repair the 
Augmented Data during the rotation".

While I am not completely able to do this technique justice, there is a very good 
chapter (Chapter 14 of Corman, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein) that discuss this 
augmentation technique.  

Maybe someone knows how to get an online copy of this chapter or a similar discussion.

I Hope this Clarifys first email.



--------- Original Message ---------

DATE: Sat, 25 Oct 2003 11:48:38
From: "J.Pietschmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Jakarta Commons Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Bryce Alcock wrote:
>> I would like an order - statistics tree,
>> Which behaves with the same running times
>> as a standard red-black binary search
>> tree.
>> 1. Are there any plans to do something like
>> this in either the Math, or Collections 
>> sections of Commons?
>I don't think so.
>I'm not quite familar with the term "statistics tree". If
>it's a modification to rbtrees which optimizes for a
>predetermined ad-hoc statistic for modification or read
>access it should probably go into the collections module.
>If the statistic is calculated on the fly from the access,
>then, well, it should probably also go into the collections
>Could you explain a bit more?
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