Well I've fixed it anyway :-)

----- Original Message -----
From: "__matthewHawthorne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jakarta Commons Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 11:38 PM
Subject: Re: [collections] UnmodifiableSortedMap bug?

> Looks like a bug to me.  Perhaps we need some tests to prove that it
> isn't doing what it's supposed to... then a fix to make it behave
> Gary Gregory wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Looking at UnmodifiableSortedMap, I see the following methods that look
> >
> >     public SortedMap subMap(Object fromKey, Object toKey) {
> >         SortedMap map = getSortedMap().subMap(fromKey, toKey);
> >         return new UnmodifiableSortedMap(getSortedMap());
> >     }
> >
> >     public SortedMap headMap(Object toKey) {
> >         SortedMap map = getSortedMap().headMap(toKey);
> >         return new UnmodifiableSortedMap(getSortedMap());
> >     }
> >
> >     public SortedMap tailMap(Object fromKey) {
> >         SortedMap map = getSortedMap().tailMap(fromKey);
> >         return new UnmodifiableSortedMap(getSortedMap());
> >     }
> > In each method, the local variable "map" is never used.
> >
> > ?
> >
> > Gary
> >
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