On Wednesday, October 29, 2003, at 12:43 AM, Simon Kitching wrote:


Once the new release is out, I would like to start looking at some of
the other apache projects to determine which of them don't use Digester,
and why. Maybe we can then roll extra functionality they need into the
base Digester. In particular, Ceki Gulcu (log4j) has a sandbox project
Joran, which sounds very digester-like. I think it would be great if we
could merge the projects. Any comments?

there are good reasons (to do with commons-logging) why ceki can't re-use the digester code base for log4j so i heard that he was creating a minimal,
stripping down engine inspired by digester design ideas. (you'd need to ask him whether this became joran.)

BTW, I'm currently learning Ruby, and decided to practice by porting
Digester to Ruby. It's coming along very well (and turned out to be an
excellent learning experience). Look for "xmldigester" coming to
RubyForge soon! Any Rubyish types watching this email list are welcome
to join in. I'll post an email here when the code is up, or you can
contact me directly.

cool. i've always wanted to learn python and create a digester port but i'
ve never found the time. it'd be good if you could keep xmldigester under an ASF compatible license just in case ;)

- robert

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