From: "__matthewHawthorne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> When you say that Flat3Map is faster than HashMap for <= 3 gets/puts,
er <= size 3. You can get/put as often as you like, without exceeding size

> I would think that you're talking about milliseconds.  And, if an
> application has a performance problem, I would suspect that it isn't
> coming from wasted milliseconds caused by small HashMaps.
> It's a proven fact that less object creation equals better performance.
Its this that the class targets more. Lots of small object creation and loss
is very expensive.

>   My concern is always the cost required to obtain this situation.  I'll
> always prefer a nice clean object oriented solution over one that is
> tweaked for performance.  I'll never avoid using a complex type or
> creating an object just because it will hurt performance.  Whether this
> preference is practical in the real world, I'm not sure.
Well of course the point here is that as far as the API user is concerned
there is no change - you just use a Map interface. Do you need to care how
it is implemented?

> My point is, I'd never see myself using a Flat3Map to improve my apps
> performance, mainly because any performance problems that exist are
> coming from somewhere else.  I'm not sure if there is a valid problem
> for which Flat3Map is a solution.
At my work we have large complex object models that can cope with large
amounts of data. But in probability, most of the time the lists/maps will be
small. This class adresses those cases.

> Question: Did you try testing HashMap with different values for
> initialCapacity and loadFactor?
Actually I just did some more tests:
Create new Flat3Map() vs create new HashMap()
2910 vs 4060

Create new Flat3Map() put 3 mappings vs create new HashMap() put 3 mappings
4170 vs 8120

Memory usage
Size 0: 56 bytes vs 120 bytes
Size 1: 56 bytes vs 144 bytes
Size 2: 56 bytes vs 168 bytes
Size 3: 56 bytes vs 192 bytes
Size 4: 272 bytes vs 216 bytes
Size 5: 296 bytes vs 240 bytes

Object creation on construction:
None vs Entry[16]


> Any other thoughts?
> Stephen Colebourne wrote:
> > Well I think I've achieved a neat little class in Flat3Map, but I guess
> > others should decide that. (Its checked in, but if people don't like it
> > remove it or rename it or otherwise modify it)
> >
> > Flat3Map is a Map implementation that is optimised for size 3 and less.
> > stores data in ordinary fields and does not create an array, map entry
> > other complex object until size 3 is breached.
> >
> > Once size 4 is reached, a HashMap is created and the Flat3Map behaves as
> > a decorated HashMap.
> >
> > Performance wise -
> > - Gets at size 3 or less are about 0-10% faster than HashMap.
> > - Puts at size 3 or less are over 4 times faster than HashMap.
> > - Performance 5% slower than HashMap once size 3 exceeded once.
> >
> > The gains on put are probably down to object creation and therefore
> > collection. The new MapIterator should be used to get the maximum
> > as it doesn't create MapEntry objects. The performance test class is
> > checked in so you can try it out (you have to play with the comments in
> > loop).
> >
> > I also suspect, but can't think how to prove, that Fast3Map will be
> > for the garbage collector to dispose of as it contains no arrays or
> > types to hunt through for dependencies. Any ideas on how to test this?
> >
> > Opinions? And should there be a Flat1Map, Flat5Map etc. And what about a
> > Flat3List??
> >
> > Stephen
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